Thank you. I'll take a quick look in wiki for this advice and if I don't find it,
I'll add it as another way of saying thanks.

-- Mike

On 2/4/08, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On Feb 4, 2008 7:12 PM, Michael Yinger <myinger@...1834...> wrote:
>  As I looked at this I started to wonder if one of the problems is that this
> will introduce a non-standard SVG element. Here is what I've been using.
> <SerialNumber m_position.left="180" m_position.right="215"

Well, at the very least your custom element must be in your own
namespace. If you use it without namespace prefix, it means it will be
in SVG namespace, which is the default in our documents. You may be
able to make Inkscape swallow it, but it will still be invalid SVG :)

bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.

Mike Yinger
Elk River Systems, Inc.