-----Forwarded Message----- From: Magic Page <magicpage91@...127...> To: Scirbus List <scribus@...119...> Subject: [Scribus] Inkscape, vector graphics Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 20:00:16 -0500
Hi all,
Not sure if many here are aware of the new program available for creating and handling SVG graphics. Inkscape is branching off from Sodipodi with a clear road map and I believe, a brighter future for a vectors grapic program for Linux. It already is impressive with the user interface and, I think, much easier and nicer to use because of that fact alone.
Peter, of Scribus fame, turned me onto it just recently. I decided after compiling it, that I should make a real rpm available to other SuSE 9.0 users. I have created a RPM for SuSE 9.0 and passed it along to the Inkspace developers to include on their download site. The src.rpm is there also, so other linux distro users might be able to alter the spec file enough to use on their systems. SuSE is now putting all their Gnome programs in /opt/gnome, in an effort to more closely adhere to the LSB. I don't think Gnome is located in the same location for other distros.
Anyway, give it a look and see if you don't like the changes as much as I did. It still gives you all the Sodipodi features, plus a few more and expect many more after the new year!
Inkscape site url: http://inkspace.org