On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 00:03 +0100, Tobias Jakobs wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 18.02.2007, 13:13 -0800 schrieb Ted Gould:
On Sat, 2007-02-17 at 11:59 -0800, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
I'd say edit in Gimp and suck in changes live (Verse or just file system) would be very good. Not trying to make Inkscape "do" bitmap manipulation is good, but so is making the workflow better.
I guess I don't really feel that we're "doing" bitmap manipulation by using the Imagemagick filters. If nothing else, we wouldn't be doing that much of it. One thing that I think is interesting here, is that probably the largest praise that Xara gets is having some bitmap manipulation inside it! (besides the really fast renderer of course)
As far as I know, Xaras bitmap manipulation tool is nice integrated, but it's a single program. That's even the reason, why it is not integrated into the Linux version. Can't we use DBUS instead of Verve? I don't think we need Verves network protocol here, do we?
Regards, Tobias
Since GEGL is getting mature, it might be nice to have some simple bitmap editor based on GEGL ship along with inkscape even...GEGL is the next-gen gimp core...