Hello all,
A while back I emailed David Vignoni (Nuvola icon set fame) and told him about some new features in Inkscape. He emailed me back from aKadamy recently with this:
Hello Dan,
I'm at aKademy and me (i'm the nuvola guy) and nuno pinheiro we are working on a new full svg icon theme for kde. I'm still using illustrator and he is using inkscape. Nuno is going to provide some feedback since he's using inkscape really a lot and doing very nice stuff with it. We hope oour feedback may help in some way your great software.
I guess he assumed I was on "the team" but I was just trying to spread the word about Inkscape. *shrug* Anyhow, Nuno emailed me too with this feedback:
Hi my name is Nuno Pinheiro, and i love inkscape :) !
Well one of the things we want to try to implement, is a color pallet, to use it i have to make an text file that i recour every time i need a specific colour, that i need in a specific point of an gradient. so the feature i would really appreciate would be the collorpick on the edit gradient layout. that is i think, a simple feature to add and one that would have the most deep impact on the productivity side of things.
i have many more little features to ask but i will leave that to an other time! cheers
I don't know if this is of any value to you, but Nuno will be helping David on the new KDE icon set, so he seems like a source of quality feedback. I've let them know that I passed their comments along, mentioned the swatches in 0.42, and let them know that hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself would be contacting him.
Hope this helps, Dan Ostrowski