On Oct 15, 2014 10:24 AM, "Michael New" <mikenew12@...400...> wrote:
> Hey Inkscape developers, I’ve spent the last several years both using Inkscape and working with C++, and I’d really like to contribute to the project now that I have some relevant skills. I develop on macs though, and I can’t seem to find any up-to-date instructions on building for mac. Can anyone point me to some current info?
> Thanks for the help, and thanks for everything you guys do.
> -Mike
Here's what you do:
1. Install the dependencies listed on the wiki:
port install cairo boehmgc gtkmm gtk-engines2 intltool libxslt lcms popt poppler boost gsl gnome-vfs libgnomeprintui automake autoconf bzr
2. Get inkscape:
bzr branch lp:inkscape trunk
3. Build it:
./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/inst --enable-localinstall && make -j2 install
4. Run it: