bulia byak wrote:
If you're asking why drawing tools can't select by clicking, then it's because they are drawing tools. If you want to click to make a point but end up unexpectedly selecting something, this is bad. Use Tab/Shift+Tab or switch to Selector temporaily.
Okay, I'm cool with this, but are you ever going to want to put a node directly on top of another node that happens to be the end point of an open path? If that's unlikely, then the process of switching modes is simplified by just clicking on the end node of an open path with the Pen tool, isn't it? The idea is to do as much as possible without switching to other tools, and to use as few key presses as possible, so switching to the Selector temporarily would sort of defeat the purpose. How about a key you'd press when you have the Pen tool selected that makes the Pen tool work like the Selector while you have the key pressed? Hold down the Alt or Ctrl or Shift or Spacebar, and the Pen tool works like the Selector, then goes back to being the Pen tool when you let off the key?