19 Jul
19 Jul
3:56 a.m.
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sun, 2004-07-18 at 22:24, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sun, 2004-07-18 at 14:14, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
From fink, I get http://fink.sourceforge.net/pdb/index.php?phpLang=en
libsigc++12 stable: 1.2.5-1, unstable: 1.2.5-1
We seem to be their main driver for sigc++ packaging, actually. IIRC they originally packaged sigc++ at our behest.
note also that the correct package would be libsigc++2 or libsigc++, since libsigc++12 is just for the sigc++ 1.2 lineage.
Could you add a brief section on the top of the CompilingInkscape page listing these deps? I figure if people on certain distros run into trouble, we can use that as a collection point for tips and tricks.