What do you envision as final deliveries of this project?
I am still trying to work out the feasibility of various options, but hopefully a very minimal API along with a framework for expanding it.
One thing I would definitely have to work on (before the summer started, ideally) is making sure that the API is well designed and makes sense as a whole, even if I am only implementing a subset.
Some of the things I implemented when I worked on this before:
*Control the selection tool *Control the shapes tools (along with simplified versions that only take the most common parameters) *Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete selections *add or remove objects from selections, move selections etc.
even with only these functions I was able to write short scripts that generated very interesting fractal like images or morphed shapes into one another.
One thing in my favor is that Inkscape has a very straightforward image model, compared to the GIMP, so an API would not need the complexity of their PDB.
One potential hurdle is that I believe application scripting works best when it is interactive (i.e. not passed in on the command line.) This is especially important when you are trying to allow actual artists to use scripting to increase precision or or to automate or randomize highly repetitive tasks. They need to be able to move back and forth from programmatic control to manual control based on the suitability of each for the task at hand.
An added bonus would be compatibility with a standalone multi-language scripting console that I have been meaning to integrate, but have been hampered by the lack of a stable API.
Thank you for your help in this matter, Soren Berg