On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 10:33:34PM +0100, Diederik van Lierop wrote:
After my commit of today, Johan Engelen pointed out that there were quite some tabstops being used in it instead of spaces. I started an automated find & replace, replacing all tabs with four spaces in just that commit. Worked like a charm.
I also found tens of thousands of tabs when searching just *.h in /src. Now I wonder: should we do a massive search & replace on the full code base? I've tried and it compiles nicely. It also doesn't mess up the indenting, at least not in the places I've looked at. Is it worth it? Or will it give to much troubles in the end afterall?
Diederik, would you and Johan mind taking responsibility for providing (and testing/reviewing) a script for doing this tab to space conversion?