On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 02:01:27PM +1100, kaver wrote:
Bryce, Yes..it does....sort of.
I'm wondering if there are configure options needed to build it in? E.g. is --enable-poppler-cairo required?
PDF opening and import seem a bit buggy. I am using build 0712241827 with win2000 and have looked at the irs site you mentioned. I find:
w4 does not import and throws the message "Runtime error-abnormal program termination" w9 does import. 1040 does not import ss-4 does import schedA&B (1040) does not import.
Hrm, only 50/50 success on IRS PDF's is a bit worrisome.
The PDF audience dwarfs the SVG audience, and I worry we could be inviting an innundation of bug reports. Maybe we should mark this feature "EXPERIMENTAL"?
I also tried to open/import several other text pdfs that I had lying around. All of these opened. They included several single page documents and a couple of 166 page documents. Only the first page of the latter came out but there was no termination.of Inkscape.
Awesome, thanks for testing this. Would you be willing to assemble a collection of PDFs you've tested, and list the issues (if any) encountered with them?
I do notice that in all cases the "pdf import settings" window appears to show the document. This includes w4 and 1040 etc.
Okay, my issue is probably just some configurational thing. Good to know the import works generally; can't wait to test it!
cheers, Erik
I also notice that my Adobe Updater pretty frequently is giving me updates to my Adobe Reader. Todays for example was 8.1.1 Update. Maybe the goalposts are in motion.
Such is life in Open Source when chasing the big boys. ;-)