On 9/23/09, JiHO <jo.lists@...400...> wrote:
Basically I am not saying that new features are bad, and especially those that were added to Inkscape these last 6 years, but that speeding up and better accommodating those features in the UI would be a worth a feature in itself.
And that is normal lifecycle in open source software - indeed any sofrware. No feature is ever released in fully optimized form. Its first implementation is often clumsy and slow. Over time it is gradually optimized and streamlined (but new clumsy ones are added at the same time!). What is critical here is that we support a sufficient level of vigorousness in the developer community so that code does not stagnate and is constantly improved. Refactorings (as much as I hate them personally :) are also very important - after each refactoring, apart from its direct advantages of better code, we get a new developer who is deeply interested and willing to support his refactored part of the code.