25 May
25 May
4:15 a.m.
I'd like to nominate these two bugs as mustfix before 0.44.anything:
cth03 1429049 Snap: near-freeze in ObjectSnapper::_findCandidates with ~1000 obj
I almost got used, by now, to the depressing fact that any improvements to snapping in this version will likely be negated by their unorganized and unfinished state. (My personal opinion is that we'll be lucky if snapping in 0.44 is at least not worse than in 0.43.) But this bug is special still. It flies right in the face of our announced speed gains in 0.44 and is therefore intolerable.
---- 1484076 potrace freeze with multiple color scan
I think this makes tracing pretty much unusable. Fortunately, Ishmal saif he would look into this tomorrow.
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.