bulia byak wrote:
Since recently, adjusting a blur of an object in Fill & Stroke not only adds Gaussian blur but also a feBlend. Do you have any idea of who added this and for what reason? I think this is a bug and must be fixed.
Thanks god someone saw this. Yes, it's a bug and in my opinion, is of high importance because it's a regression on something that was working fine. I reported this bug a week ago.
As it was discussed before, the blending modes in individual elements is a headache because they need a solid element behind to show correctly (that was the main reason of moving the blend modes to the layers dialog, and it's still quite broken). That feBlend filter in the blur effect should be reverted asap.
Imo the blend filters should be removed from everywhere except the filters dialog, since the problem of the background acumulation isn't solved, and lost feBlend filters use to be a pain when they left applied on an object after an undone operation (unexperienced users will have a really hard time trying to see why some objects disappear or look bad over others, until they finally figure out that there's a filter applied and it has to be removed).