On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Jon Cruz <jon@...18...> wrote:
That image was seriously revelatory! Only from it I figure out that the new dialog does in fact has a column of "disabled" values - for me it was completely obscured because the dialog appeared in a narrow sidebar, and I only saw the list of devices. So now we need to solve the following problems:
1. Make sure this column is always visible.
2. Make sure it is evident that the values in this column are clickable and selectable, not just texts.
3. Making sure this dialog is not normally needed _at all_: make Inkscape automatically choose the appropriate tablet-like device, for example the one with most axes, and enable it as Screen. This way 99% of users will never have to open the dialog.
4. Making sure the Hardware tab is less frightening - right now it looks like a workbench of a mad scientist. Do we need all this information at all? Can it change anything in the way Inkscape operates or is it just informational? If (some of) it can, it must be reworded and explained in Inkscape terms, not in techspeak.