Do you know any code saying "if something, do not draw the stroke"? Since
not that i know of... but it's hard to fully understand what inkscape does, there are so many pieces stitched together
the stroke disappears completely, this is likely to be such a "draw or not draw" switch. I know of one, which you introduced
the behavior is shape-dependent; you can have a single cubic bezier patch rendering with one value of the 2nd control point, and if you move that point slightly, it won't render anymore.
So you're observing that behavior? Great, that gives me hope :)
that's much like the intersector bugs i was having, so i suppose it's the ConvertToShape() eating the stroke, either because the input is incorrect, or because it failed to uncross the polygon. there are maybe other places where this can happen, but i don't think they come into play here. sadly my gdb refuses to see debug symbols in inkscape.exe... (tho it was compiled with the appropriate cflags) does anyone know how to tame gdb on mingw?
I don't know :( Anyone?
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