On 27/02/2012, at 10:15 AM, Frank Schima wrote:
I'm trying to build inkscape 0.48.2 as a Mac .app application using Macports. I'm on Mac OS X 10.7.3 with Xcode 4.2.1 and Macports python 2.7.2 with numpy and lxml. According to the wiki page [1], I should use the osx-app.sh shell script to create it. So I attempted to run the script as stated in the wiki but it did not work for me, saying that it wants the python modules directory to be specified.
Python modules directory not specified. Python modules can be downloaded from: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/Python-packages.dmg
Hi Frank,
Sorry that server disappeared when modevia stopped hosting nightly builds for us. We need to update the build script to reflect that.
I have a copy of the Python-packages.dmg but this doesn't work with the python version in Lion (OS X 10.7.x) anyway. I believe that we need to update the build script to package up a version of lxml and numpy built specifically for Lion.
Cheers, Michael