Inkscape needs leadership.
Where are you leaders and why have you forsaken us?
On Sat, 2013-11-30 at 13:41 +0900, 影月 零 wrote:
As for the kickstarter campaign I have enough experience now and enough contacts I'm sure I could help pull off a campaign for this but I really do not want the responsibility/accountability for this. I will help in any way I can because I really want to see this but unless I can get solid promises and confidence some experienced SVG/InkScape developers can handle 100% of the dev work I really don't want to be put in a position of responsibility. To start a campaign you'll also need someone with a proper bank account and having the account under a shared e-mail will most certainly not work. If someone is willing to take the lead here and be responsible for the project and kicstarter campaign just say so and I'll contact them directly and help get things started and moving along.