On 01 Jul 2006, at 19:12 , Joshua Blocher wrote:
Are the OSX ports of gtk+/gtkmm and companions developed enough that we can drop fink altogether? Or even close?
I am eagerly waiting for these but have not seen anything new since the announce that GTK code for OS X was merged to GTK trunk, a few months ago. I guess that when Gimp will compile and run natively on OSX (it actually compiled a while ago but still does not run), things could start for Inkscape. I am probably not the best person to give this estimate but I guess this is even longer term plans that Fink updating to GTK 2.8 (unfortunately...)
This is would eliminate the dependency on the fink development cycle for the Mac ( but shifts it to the porters of gtk+/gtkmm).
Not completely in fact because Inkscape depends on many other libraries from Fink. Currently, GTK might be the limiting factor but libgc is not far form being limiting too.
We already build libs for windows, and i'm sure its possible on the Macs but is it worth the extra effort.
Honestly I will prefer avoiding to switch to GTK 2.8 ;-) but not switching to 2.8 will be for the comfort of few (as I mentioned, there should be around 4 people compiling Inkscape on OS X) and will annoy many others (users and developers needing the functionality in GTK 2.8).
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/