Eclipse for C++ is vastly more productive than emacs. And I was an emacs user for a decade before I switched.
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 01:17:53PM -0700, Jon Cruz wrote:
On Sep 25, 2013, at 5:36 PM, Martin Owens wrote:
On Thu, 2013-09-26 at 00:35 +0200, Sebastian G?tte wrote:
- Use qtcreator. By creating a make-based project, you can use
qtcreator as a very nice C++ debugging tool, including managing breakpoints and inspecting data via GUI.
I was going to suggest using qtcreator as well. It's what I use when I need to actually do flow with gdb instead of just a backtrace which is quicker from the command line gdb.
I'm still not completely happy with it as it doesn't do yarning (and no tool I know of does, so I must have dreamed it) but it's decent for a basic debugger.
I'd also suggest looking into Emacs. It's a very good developer IDE.
To invoke the debugger in recent versions, I use M-x gud-gdb (the older bare 'gdb' might cause problems on Ubuntu, Debian, etc.).
Then to set a breakpoint I just have the cursor in the source file and hit Ctrl-x <space>. It also has a GUI toolbar if you like to use those, but the keyboard commands end up much quicker.
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