2016-02-05 14:00 GMT+01:00 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...>:

A lot of projects use Git. I've already done an experimental conversion
of inkscape-web to git (it had a few issues that had to be fixed
manually, see but not a lot)

There's a lot of support for Git, but I do have reservations about
Github. It's a lot more like a cult than a platform and it's very much a
monopoly at this point and I remember Bitkeeper. At least the repository
is movable and they have an api for exporting issues and a wiki.

It's would enforce using a more code-review style model, no matter how
many people we make a part of an Inkscape organisation.

Could you elaborate on what you mean with "enforce using a more code-review style model"?
Although on the positive side, it'll probably increase participation.
Something the project could do with having. We're currently experiencing
40TB of downloads a month and our software is used by millions of
people, but translating that into developers is meeting more resistance.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Thu, 2016-02-04 at 22:16 -0800, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:
> Eventually we probably need to move to Git. The user interface is
> completely atrocious, but the fact it works from a single directory by
> default is very convenient when using Eclipse, and Eclipse is an
> elephantine monstrosity but has good code navigation. This could also
> encourage more people to contribute, since almost all OSS developers
> know Git, while a very limited number know Bazaar at this point.
> The bug tracker and answer tracker should definitely stay on
> Launchpad, but what about the code? Should we use Launchpad's nascent
> Git support, or some other site like Github? What people think?
> We can convert lib2geom first and apply the lessons learned to Inkscape.
> Best regards, Krzysztof
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