Hello Vectors (and all),
With the generous help of Manuel Recena we have deployed https://chat.inkscape.org! This is the shiny, new, public home for Vectors discussions/meetings. It is also a home for other project contributors. Please come and check it out! No registration is necessary to view conversations, but to join in, one needs to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_vectors (or any channel)
  2. Select the "Sign in to start talking" button at the bottom:
  3. Then on the sign-in page, follow the "Register a new account" link beneath the login button:

We have a meeting scheduled for this Saturday (time, agenda). Because we had a scheduling mix-up last month, it will be good to catch up. I aim to keep the official meeting to an hour. On the agenda are the Inkscope podcast, Kiel download, the website rebuild, and other stuff as we have time. If there's anything you're working on and would like to share/discuss it, please let me know and I'll get it added. I'm grateful for the many ways you all contribute and I hope I can see you there!

- Ryan