8 Dec
8 Dec
9:05 a.m.
Looks like nearly everything is done for 0.48.1 now: https://launchpad.net/inkscape/+milestone/0.48.1
The remaining unclosed issues are minor: 427514 only result in some confusion when working with 2 windows at once, 520521 is a build system improvement and 510618 is a connector-related quirk we can live with for now. There's also the bezier stamping regression, but I don't think the feature is used often enough to warrant further delay; the same effect can also be achieved with some more work using Ctrl+D.
Is there anything else holding up the release 0.48.1? There are several important bugs fixed in it, so I think it's important to push it out as soon as possible.
Regards, Krzysztof