This should be a simple solution with merge or composite; however there are difficulties with the svg 1.1 spec, which are fixed with svg 1.2 (the background is rendered twice).
Is this something that can be fixed now, or does it need to wait until we are moving on to svg 1.2 support?
On 03/30/2010 11:34 AM, Niko Kiirala wrote:
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:15:26 +0200 Yann Papouin<yann.papouin@...400...> kirjoitti:
On http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Filter_Effects there is a note about this property "There's no GUI for setting the enable-background property. This property has to be set on some parent layer of filtered object to make Background Image and Background Alpha input images work."
Does the background image support is implemented? Do you think that the same effect can be achieved with filters by applying the effect on a shape (that will blur its background content)?
Seems you've received a couple responses already while I was writing this. however, I'll explain the background here a bit.
The renderer does support background images and can do the effect you are looking for. What that wiki page is trying to tell, the GUI is somewhat incomplete. You'll need to use the XML editor to add the enable-background:new property to a suitable layer or apply a non-default layer blending mode (which will automatically add enable-background:new to the root layer of the document)
Also, shamelessly promoting my own blog posts here ;) http://fedev.blogspot.com/2007/05/its-beginning-to-seem-that-my-planned.html
I created my own version of this filter, too. For the enable-background stuff, take a look at the layer1 in Inkscape XML editor. Anything inside layer1 will now be able to access the background image - but only inside layer1. If you were to place stuff in layer under layer1, that wouldn't be counted as background for filtering purposes.
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