On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 13:10:04 -0600, Bob Jamison <rwjj@...127...> wrote:
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
Well, I made the options myself, as various pre-processing and post-processing filters explicitly for Potrace's black&white tracing algorithm, so that is a very big 'If'.
I experimented with an algorithm of my own that scans a color bitmap directly, with no intermediate black&white step. It works with parameters like "color distance" and "color slope". In this case none of the existing controls would have any meaning, nor is there a "multiscan."
Thank you for this explanation!
Someone showed me another tracer lib on the Net somewhere that does color tracing also, and I am sure it would have different parameters.
-color-count int Reduce the bitmap to using the number of colors specified by the unsigned integer int (range: 1-256). The default value of 0 indicates that no color reduction is to be done. Does not work with grayscale images.