On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 11:38:17AM -0600, Ryan Gorley wrote:
As perhaps a primer to forming a new team to serve the Inkscape project, I would put forward for discussion the following *objectives* for such a team:
- *Increasing the project's contributor base,* as measured by code
commits, non-technical contributions, cash contributions, etc. 2. *Improving the market position of Inkscape*, as measured by user and target-user opinion studies, favorable press coverage, increased usage, etc. 3. *Increasing community loyalty and engagement*, as measured by participation in physical meetups, online discussions, social sharing, etc.
Finding consensus about objectives seems more productive at this stage than strategy and tactics. I'd love to hear what you all think or would add/remove/edit.
*(Bryce: I had this largely written prior to your response to the other thread, so feel free to steer this conversation in a different direction if you wish)*
All sounds great. I want to avoid steering things too much from a top-down position because I know there's a ton of ideas and potential work in this area that is going to require a strong sense of commitment over the long haul. So it's important the team feel they own their objectives and are able to invest themselves in specific tasks and projects best aligned to their own passions and interests. Maximizing the self-motivation of team members will be the most efficient way to get a lot of cool stuff achieved.
I like that you called out non-technical contributions; I know I'm a bit of a broken record here but I feel that broadening our collective skillset in a well organized manner is vital to the long term health of the project.
There is also an important role available to this team in helping draft release announcement materials. This has been a weak area of ours for a number of releases, so would be a very direct way for this team to impact Inkscape. I can give more details if the team wants to take this on.
Beyond that I'm just really interested in seeing what the team comes up with!