Op dinsdag 29 november 2005 03:11, schreef aaron@...749...:
I haven't tried this extension yet, or even really read the code. But I don't see why there has to be all this complexity to avoid.
I think its slightlty difficult because the extension has to do two things, which normally are done at different times
1. manipulate current svg so it contains relative image-paths 2. save the manipulated doc in the archive.
To solve this, I want to let the extension manipulate the temp file which inkscape creates, so it can save the file itself after it has made his modifications.
I only have one problem which seems to be a inkscape bug. After the effect is run the file is saved as a normal svg in stead of a ziparchive. You have to do "save as" again. I allready filed a bugreport at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604306
I'm gonna bet this is a problem with inkex.py or the use of it rather than inkscape. As designed inkex.py's output() spits the modified svg back to STDOUT. So what we need to do is either override output in your extension to do what inkscape expects for an output extension or modify inkex.py so that it has a method specific to output extensions. Sorry I didn't comment earlier. Let's get this sorted out. It is a much desired feature.
The bug is not specific for the zip-extension. In my bugreport I give the example with the Connect the Dots effect and the .ps output. In this example you end up with a .ps-file which really is a plain svg-file.