On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 15:44:34 -0700, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
absolute units in the same document. If you want one px to correspond to one bitmap pixel on export, use the export resolution of 90 dpi.
Currently my docs are set to PT units... when I export 1280x960, it looks right (to me at least). If I convert my docs to PX units and export at 90dpi, will I get better quality results when I export at that same resolution? Or will the results be identical?
If you don't resize your objects, just change document units, and export at the same resolution, the result will be the same. One pt gives one output pixel at 72dpi; one px gives one output pixel at 90dpi. You can use any export resolution regardless of what units you use.
One additional convenience of the pt unit compared to px is that when your zoom is 100%, one screen pixel corresponds to one pt (not px). However this is probably wrong; I'm thinking about changing that, so that 100% will be one-to-one for px, not pt. This change, if done, will change the on-load zoom level of all old Inkscape files by the factor of 1.25.