Hi all!
Diederik, thanks a lot for enabling the axonometric grid in SVN! It's great to play around with it. Just one small thing I noticed: It doesn't honour the "snapping enabled" option in the Document Properties dialog.
As I was giving it a try I was for a short moment a bit confused that the newly created grid (which had the checkbock "visible" ticked) didn't appear on the canvas - until I remembered to press '#' to make all grids visible. I still believe that users unfamiliar with the way it works may be quite confused by this behaviour. Any suggestions how to make the difference between enabling grids globally and individually more obvious to users? Would it be sufficient to add a caveat to the the tooltip in Document Properties?
P.S.: Just noticed one other thing. When more than one grid is present then pressing '#' always switches to the tab of the first grid in Document Properties. This is a bit annoying when you actually want to work with the second grid, for example. Is there an easy way to change this?