Hi all,
Did group LPE ever work on shapes in a group? I.e. I have a group with stars in it, then apply bendpath on the group. The SVG is correct, but Inkscape displays the stars unbent. It's because of this here:
static void sp_star_update (SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags) { if (flags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_VIEWPORT_MODIFIED_FLAG)) { sp_shape_set_shape ((SPShape *) object); }
if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update) ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update (object, ctx, flags); }
during an 'update', sp_shape_set_shape is called again, which resets the shape's curve of the group-lpe calculation... (if i comment that line out, group lpe works fine...)
Can someone help me on this one? What's the solution?
Cheers, Johan