On 15/1/10 19:48, Wolf Drechsel wrote:
If you go to settings and look to the keyboard stuff, there should be an option for "Show Keyboard & Character Viewer in menu bar" or such. Enable that and then you can get the keyboard viewer from the icon in the menu bar. That will show you what keys will result in which characters (it changes by locale). For me, alt/option-o gives the ø character, which *appears* to be what you want. (Might be a different unicode value... I did not check)
@ Jon
I think You are describing how to do it in the aqua environment. Using inkscape on a mac, I have to use the X11 surroundings.
After some googleing I think it is not so easy to generate characters which are done with AltGr on non-macs. Unluckily on my machine neither copy-paste from X11 to aqua and vice versa works - nor can I import text into inkscape… )-:
Easiest workaround seems to type the unicode hex code ( ctrl-U-<hex code> Enter ) - not really satisfying…
Note: this is about OS X Tiger with an ancient X11 based of XFree86:
Apples 'X11 v. 1.1.3 - XFree86 4.4.0'
which has limited support for clipboard syncing between osx native applications and software running under X11 as well as a different default X11 keymapping (than current X.org based X11/Xquartz versions shipped with Leopard and Snow Leopard) for 'Option/Alt' ('option'+o' would require the option key to be mapped to 'Mode_switch', but afaik that X11 version maps both option keys to Alt_L resp. Alt_R), which is good because Inkscape shortcuts work out of the box (no need for custom ~/.Xmodmap settings), otoh one looses the ability to enter diacritics or other special characters via keyboard entry.
Is there a setting in your X11 preferences to 'Follow system keyboard layout'?
ps. ping JiHO - is this correct?