I'm storing my work on github at https://github.com/abuchanan/inkscape-osx-builder
Basically, I'm writing some tools in python. The goal is to get as close to a self-contained, one-step build as possible.
Currently, it's very much a work in progress and is very incomplete, but the idea is starting to take form. I like that the current code can create a create a macports tree, install dependencies, build the code, and create a bundle with one command.
The bundle is incomplete, and I haven't tried running it yet. I've only tested on my machine (OSX 10.9). I haven't set up older versions yet, so I'm sure there lots of work related to getting older versions to work.
Credit to gtk-mac-bundler [1] for helping with the bundle creation (got this idea from GIMP).
[1] https://github.com/jralls/gtk-mac-bundler
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 4:54 PM, su_v <suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
On 2014-03-27 24:25 +0100, Alex Buchanan wrote:
Anybody out there doing builds on Mac OSX? If so, I'd be curious to hear what process you're using.
There is a wiki page [1] and some osx build code [2], and it seems like everything is outdated, but possibly I'm mistaken.
Originally, my goal was to get a non-X11 build to play try out, but now I've also become interested in improving the build documentation and code too. I'll share my notes/process once I have something working.
I recently started a wiki page to gather notes about the current status of packaging for OS X and recent attempts to refactor/renew it:
It's not finished (there's more details I could add), and the summary of relevant changes used in my own attempt (wip) isn't done yet: https://code.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/inkscape/osxmenu
Cheers, V