On Fri, 2016-11-25 at 17:28 -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
Bryce has gotten a couple of t-shirts and I hope he posts a photo too
with a review. There's someone else who ordered some items from Texas,
we don't know who, but if that's you, we'd love for you to post a
review when your items arrive.
Twas me. I got a T-shirt and a stocking cap.
I bought a dark colored T-shirt which is good, but we should probably make a copy of the logo available with the white outline for the dark colored shirts, it blends in. After the first wash it looks good, haven't worn it yet. I'll reply back on how much attention I garner when wearing it ☺
The hat is nice. No issue, it is a little odd to see screen printing on a stocking cap, feels like it should be patch or something. But it works, no complaints really.
So, overall, no issues. It is a bit expensive but a donation as well.