Am 16.07.2017 um 07:23 schrieb Bryce Harrington:
Let me know if there is anything else that should be done or accounted
for in the above plan.

Hi Bryce,

thanks for pinning down a schedule!

I have a list of three items that we should address before a 0.92.2 release. The first two are "simple" bugs which I think are too bad to ship another release with them (i.e. "blockers"):
Finally there's one important thing we'd need to figure out for Windows builds which I don't want to decide myself, so I hope it's fine if I use this possibility to get peoples input:
That's the reason why I want to provide a 0.92.2 release built with MSYS2. However (and that's the big "but") they obviously had far less testing so far (but that's yet another reason why we need to get a release out there!), so I see four options:
  1. Release MSYS2-only and hope it works out as well as I want to believe (this option makes sure people test it ;-) )
  2. Release MSYS2 as the main release but provide a backup built with devlibs in case we see unexpected issues (this is the option I'd prefer)
  3. Release devlibs, but offer MSYS2 as a "public beta" (sounds not bad, but I'm pretty sure most people will stick to what they know for which we can't blame them)
  4. Release devlibs-only for the 0.92.x branch (which would be a shame in my opinion. Personally I'd prefer an MSYS2 build over a devlibs build for productive work at any time and I think users should profit from the improvements, also - or especially - in the stable branch).

Let me know what you think (preferably soon-ish) so I can prioritize my work for the release!
