2006. 05. 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 12.25-kor Vladimir Savić ezt írta:
Fine. But, first - there is an internal Inkscape .isvg format saved by default and second - there must be some way to make Inkscape recorganize it's own drawing elements afterwords.
Just to clarify, the "inkscape internal svg format" is totally valid .svg file. Dont need to make any distinction with the extension ".isvg", its valid .svg. (the difference between of those option (inkscape svg vs. plain svg is the filesize. In inksccape .svg there are comments what inkscape use to store some editing information in the .svg file. Please correct me, if Im wrong)
You really missed the svg concept here. SVG is a standard, so its really important, that this standard support some particular feature (shape) or not, even if you dont CARE about it. Implementing a feature what is included in the standard is more straightforward demand, than demanding for some workaround about the lack of the standard.
I really prefer a standard (what is lacking some feature) more than some home-made propriatary fileformat. So its more important, than this standard is wide supported with various application, and I can show almost everyone my work, than a inkscape-only fileformat, what I need to export a bitmap image to show somebody. So standards are good thing.