On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 17:51:17 -0600 "Steven P. Ulrick" <lists-inkscape@...1052...> wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 10:52:42 -0600 aaron@...749... wrote:
Steven P. Ulrick wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 18:03:46 +0300 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
On 11/19/05, Ben Fowler wrote:
Sephen, if you want to approach it from that angle then one possibility would be do a recursive diff and find out where the trees differ.
Why on Earth? Just replace current ja.po with the old one
I will try replacing ja.po with an old version. But, I have tried that before (with the various different *.po files that "make" bails on) with no success. To clarify, I have tried to compile this with completely fresh downloads of Inkscape's CVS tree, with the same results: see the error message quoted in my first message on this thread. But I will gladly try it again.
This seems kinda weird to me. (Sure I'm ignorant, I know that.) Does anyone else compile on FC3? Could it be the version of whatever is invoked by autogen.sh? Has that already been checked?
Aaron Spike
Hello, Everyone I have discovered the following: The output of "./autogen.sh" and "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/", when run on Inkscape from CVS shows the version of intltool as 0.31.2: "autogen.sh" shows this: checking for intltool >= 0.17 ... yes (version 0.31.2) "configure" shows this: checking for intltool >= 0.22... 0.31.2 found For one thing, the minimum version of intltool that is being looked for is different. But that's not the interesting thing....
The output of "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" when run in inkscape-0.42+0.43pre3 shows the version of intltool as being 0.33: checking for intltool >= 0.22... 0.33 found
Okay, so one would assume that I have two versions of intltool installed. So I did "rpm -qa | grep intltool" and discovered that the only version of intltool that I have installed is the one that is detected when compiling Inkscape from CVS.
So I proceeded to download intltool-0.33-2.src.rpm (which is the version that ships with Fedora Core 4) Did "rpmbuild --rebuild" on it and then did "rpm -Fvh" on the resulting RPM. When I re-ran "./autogen.sh" and "./configure", the version of "intltool" that was detected finally matched the version that is detected (but not installed on my machine) when I successfully compile Inkscape from an official release or pre-release tarball.
Now I get the following error:
Hello, Everyone :) Success! Just compiled and installed Inkscape from CVS successfully. I guess my question would be, how did a version of intltool that was not installed on my computer get detected when compiling the release tarballs? Is there a version of intltool bundled with the tarball?
One thing I know for sure, I haven't been able to compile inkscape from CVS for weeks, then I discover this, update intltool to 0.33 and now it compiles perfectly :)
Have a Great Night, Steven P. Ulrick