From: bulia byak [mailto:buliabyak@...400...] Sent: 15 October 2005 18:04 On top of that, in my humble opinion, this is also the most awkward thing in Xara from UI viewpoint. The Xara strength has always been to edit everything on the canvas. So opening a separate window for bitmap feels extremely clumsy.
Totally agree and that's the way we're going. You can already use some picture editor tools on the vector object directly such as our Enhance dialog (brightness, sharpen, blur etc). Indeed many picture plug-ins now work on canvas in Xara (on vector or bitmap objects alike). Work to do still but I completely agree, editing and painting operations should be able to be done directly on canvas just like all other tools. We're sort of about 2/3rds the way there now.
Our architecture is such that they can be used stand-alone in the picture editor, OR directly on canvas in Xara, so you get the best of both worlds. i.e. the plugs-in designed to work in a pure bitmap editor, just work on canvas for free in Xara.