30 Jul
30 Jul
6:28 a.m.
How could we estimate the number of users of Inkscape internationally? I've been thinking about this much. How many people use Inkscape on a daily basis, or have used it?
There must be some good statistical method for calculating how many users Inkscape has...obviously, the concept of user would need to be refined, but is there anyone on this list that could speak to this?
We know that we have at least 40,000 new downloads of 0.42 of Inkscape...which is a lowball figure for our total number of users IMO.
Could we say there are several thousand users of Inkscape?
Jon Phillips
San Francisco, CA
USA PH 510.499.0894
MSN, AIM, Yahoo Chat: kidproto
Jabber Chat: rejon@...896...
IRC: rejon@...897...
Inkscape (http://inkscape.org)
Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org)