Bob wrote:
Yes, I should fix the date. Since I created the makefiles for a non-automated PC world, I have the date hardcoded. I guess now that I can automate the builds, something like
DTG = `date +%y%m%d.%H%M`
VERSION = "0.37cvs${DTG}"
might work.
This would make "0.37cvs040107.1556"
Is that OK? This is in case more than one build happens to occur in a
And it remains sortable.
This would be cool.
I've played some more with the cross build especially with nodes, changing paths, flip functions etc. So far no problems at all with handling.
But my bugbear is still preferences. Where are they now?? The cross build did not construct a separate preferences file. Should it? This behaviour is different to previous ones. This makes me wonder if the cross build it is picking one up from an earlier build. Is this likely? Anyway when I have time I will try and clean up all other installed versions of preferences.