On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 16:34 -0400, MenTaLguY wrote:
Since I still can't get to the Wiki to document this, after talking to the SVG WG chair and studying the LPE proposal in more detail, here's what I think the live path effect stuff should look like:
Hmm, there are a couple of things I like, but some that I'm worried about.
<!-- input paths stored here; collect=always means they are auto-deleted by inkscape when no longer hreffed -->
<path d="..." id="foo" inkscape:collect="always" /> </svg:defs>
I really like this, I think that putting the old path data in defs and referencing it is a much better way to do it.
<!-- sodipodi:type lets us bind a custom SPObject type -->
<svg:switch sodipodi:type="livePathEffect">
I'm concerned about using a switch here, will applications like librsvg render it properly? Firefox? I don't know that this is widely supported enough to use. We need to make sure that these paths show up rendered in a large set of renders (in real life, not just a "support more of the spec" type answer)
<!-- we use the Inkscape namespace since it's not standard yet -->
inkscape:vectorEffect requiredExtensions="http://www.inkscape.org/SVG/vectorEffect"
We use flowText that isn't part of the standard yet... I would rather just leave this in the SVG namespace. I'm so frustrated with the lack of a 1.2 spec that I'm willing to risk the incompatibility...
<inkscape:vePath> <inkscape:vePathRef xlink:href="#foo" /> </inkscape:vePath> <!-- the effects go here --> <inkscape:extensionEffect name="org.inkscape.ext.jumble"> <inkscape:param name="spacing" value="10" /> <inkscape:param name="increment" value="0.5" /> </inkscape:extensionEffect> <!-- gets us standard SVG painting of result path --> <inkscape:veFill /> <inkscape:veStroke /> <inkscape:veMarker />
I really like using the vector effect object so that the vector effects and the path effects can be stacked together. Also, this provides an easy mechanism for stacking in the path effects. (I have no idea how this UI is going to work though... :) )