Inkscape compiles and runs. I didn't need LONG_DOUBLE, indeed just ensuring that gcc-3.3 was used proved to be sufficient.
The dev version performs a 100-circle path-union operation in about 5 seconds on my laptop. That's a lot faster than with the current stable release ;)
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 21:05, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Apr 19, 2006, at 1:07 PM, Andrew Wilson wrote:
Mmm, that's better. I tweaked the suggested script with
export CC="gcc-3.3" export CXX="g++-3.3"
make is building now...
Oh, and here's the contents of my setup script I've got laying around
export CC='gcc-3.3' export CFLAGS='-Wall -W -g -O0' export CPP='g++-3.3 -E' export CXX='g++-3.3' export CXXCPP='g++-3.3 -E' export CXXFLAGS='-D__LONG_DOUBLE_128__ -g -O0 -I/sw/include' export LDFLAGS='-L/sw/lib' export LIBS='-lgc -lSystemStubs'
at one point the LONG_DOUBLE define was needed, but I'm not sure. And if you have link problems at the end, the -lSystemStubs was the more common fix.