I'll take any volunteers at all. :)
Ok. I rebuilt all of the C++ libs to be static. There are no longer any C++ DLLs. A test build using this new package of libs is: http://troi.hous.es3.titan.com/~rjamison/inkscape/builds/Inkscape0409021512.... and the new gtk24.zip is: http://troi.hous.es3.titan.com/~rjamison/inkscape/gtk24.zip
Notice its new and improved size. Much larger, but not as bad as the 100mb that I had feared. gcc3.4.1 makes a difference, I guess.
Jon A. Cruz wrote:
There's a lot of subtle things to get straight for Win32, especially if Win98 support is still needed. We should probably get all we can together as far as people to test, suggest and code. I have a feeling that we can push to improve a lot of things better just by making Inkscape keep Win32 as a first-class citizen.
I've got more time freed up now, so can help a little more on the Win32 front myself. For some of the stuff I wanted to fix, I'd already been in touch with the proper glib people and I'm pretty sure that anything we work out can get pushed upstream. I'd even been threatened with being given CVS commit access. :-)
So, Bob, think you can round up our Win32 troops for both building and testing? I'll look at probably setting up a short page on the wiki to cover the different aspects.