Dear Developers
At 19:17 UTC (15:17 EST) the website went down. This was caused by the failure of the mysql database server at All web pages received a 502 error.
At 20:18 UTC (16:18 EST) I noticed the error and restored a backup to a slower local sqlite database. You may have noticed login failures at this time and a lack of download files. A ticket was filed with osuosl.
At 21:27 UTC (17:27 EST) osuosl responded via irc that the database machine was back up. Together pwnguin and I worked on restoring mysql functionality.
At 22:05 UTC (18:05 EST) the website was back online with a few of the issues found reported in a bug report for later.
If you see any more errors, I should be getting emails after the 7k initial emails clear my local email client. I will get to them.
Best Regards, Martin Owens