On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:50 AM, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
I'd like to see that simplified and the menu item moved out of the menu
and into the path/node toolbar.

We're going to need to address that toolbar at some point given the number of buttons it has. I'm thinking going the MyPaint route (1) for some of our Tool Control Bar buttons would be really useful and help to simplify/organize the UI. Primarily for things that won't be toggled often, but make sense to keep in the toolbar only 1 more click away.

Being able to nudge the object in and out is very useful. We can use the
same keys ',' and '.' which is used to nudge the selected nodes in and
out. (similar functionality, but different)

One thing about insetting and outsetting that's handy is it isn't tool/context dependent. Scaling is though. If you have objects selected with the Selector Tool and hit ',' or '.' it scales them (same in the node tool with a node selection).

To change this to an inherently destructive operation by default would be a bad idea. If you use the scale keys now in the Selector Tool with a text object it remains text, change the shortcut behavior and it's then converted to a path. Likewise, if you changed it to do that in the node tool with no nodes selected, it fundamentally changes the path structure.

(1) http://i.imgur.com/b2zfiaa.jpg
