On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 16:05 -0800, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
I made the first commit on LP after our trunk branch was established and it went smoothly. So, everyone, feel free to go to town!
Yeah! I'll see if I can clean up the GSoC branches a little once I have upload bandwidth again. I think merging trunk into them would make things much simpler.
As a side thought, since 0.48 will be maintained for a bit while 0.49 is under development. What do people think about our use of LP and how we use Fix Released rather than Fix Committed... are people game to perhaps try using Fix Committed (and target them for 0.48 when doing so) for this cycle? If we properly use committed and mark where it will be available, we can then just script it to change to released when it really is (I think it will be nicer for users). Just a thought.
I like "Fix Committed" meaning that it landed on trunk. And "Fix Released" meaning that it's in a tarball. I keep pushing for the script you're talking about there being a button in LP... hopefully it will be soon-ish. Until then, I'm pretty sure such a script already exists.