2008/8/7 Steren <steren.giannini@...400...>:
I may have one comment concerning the clone/copy/singlepath:
First of all, I think (and I hope everybody agrees) that it's necessary that the used brush could be any item, not only a single path. (The same than the clone tool works, you can clone any item: path, shape, group, text...)
Yes, of course this tool clone/copy modes does work with any kind of object; anything that's clonable right now is usable with this tool.
So this raises the issue of the "single path" mode, how can this be handled if the brush is a group of shapes ?
That's a good point. I suggest that whatever the data on the clipboard is, the group, shape, text or whatever should be converted to a path before starting to paint. Of course the original object data in the clipboard is preserved unaltered for later use; it's just a background conversion to a single path used specifically for this particular mode and tool. Is this doable?