the Adib wrote:
Great idea. I still vote for git, but since I don't plan to do the work myself I will happily use whatever I get!
I would vote for bazaar because I work on windows and need a system that works natively here.
I am also a windows user. What sort of native windows functionality do you use from bzr?
I don't make heavy use of git on windows but I have cloned repos occasionally using msysgit and tortoisegit.
Windows users who would like to have input on the choice of VCS, please test these tools and give us your impressions.
Also it looks that there is a good integration in Launchpad ...
For launchpad integration bzr is a clear winner. My hope is that now that lp is fully opened, we will start to see support for other VCSs. I don't think we should wait for this. If lp integration is a must, bzr is the only choice.
Let me just reiterate, I will be happy with whatever we choose.
Aaron Spike