sön 2005-06-05 klockan 21:42 -0400 skrev MenTaLguY:
On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 22:44, Bryce Harrington wrote:
We have over 30 users with CVS access - what would be the process of getting them access? Would each of them have to re-apply for access, or could it be done magically in bulk?
One important question is whether switching to GNOME CVS would crimp our (relative to most projects, anyway) open-access CVS policy?
"Open-access" in what way? Are people getting CVS commit access just by asking, and without prior contribution? Or do you mean that they, after five years of continous substantial contributions to the project, don't have to sell one of their kidnies as well to gain access? ;-)
The requirements for getting a GNOME CVS account is basically that you must have your maintainer's approval, and that you can be trusted and really are in need of a CVS account (which again is why the maintainer needs to confirm it).