OK, OK, OK, I'm sorry, it's my fault for not looking more closely. The fact is; we are all right! The page I see when I go to this url: http://www.inkscape.org/svn.php is not the same one that you see. I'm browsing from within a spanish Firefox version, so somehow I _really_ get this page: http://www.inkscape.org/svn.php?lang=es And that one is wrong. I'll go and complain on the spanish inkscape users list.
Once again, I'm very sorry,
Lucas Vieites
2009/2/3 john cliff <john.cliff@...400...>
I get the right link when i look at that page.
2009/2/3 Lucas Vieites <lucas@...1852...>:
How strange, for me this url: http://svn.sourceforge.net/inkscapethrows a 404 error. I'm talking about the link in this text (in bold for clarity):
... Browsing the Subversion tree gives you a great view into the current status of this project's code. You may also view the complete history of
file in the repository.
Browse Subversion Repository <<=== This is the link
About Subversion
SVN (Subversion) is a tool used by many software developers to manage changes .......
Are we talking about the same link?
2009/2/3 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...>
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Lucas Vieites <lucas@...1852...>
Hi, I've noticed that on this page: http://www.inkscape.org/svn.php there's a link that points to: http://svn.sourceforge.net/inkscape This is not correct, it should be: http://inkscape.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/inkscape/
Nope, the link is correct and wasn't changed for last several months :)
-- Lucas Vieites
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