Jon Phillips wrote:
My girlfriend just made all these images for the clipart library by tracing them in Inkscape (rock!) and then editing and composing them with Adobe Illustrator CS. However, they cannot be opened in Inkscape.
yes, i observed the files and intended to send a bug report until i saw your message.
I'm writing this to let everyone know that there are about 10 images available at this link, http://openclipart.org/submissions.php, done by Linda Kim that would be good for testing interoperability of Adobe SVG and Inkscape.
i had a look at those images using eog (rendered by librsvg) and firefox (built with native SVG support) so probably i don't see the entire image, but those files are *huge* (about 0.5 MB each) for such simple drawings (at least this is what i see)
I created a bug on this and a new category for import bugs. If this one fits your fancy, it should be easy to write a script to strip out what Inkscape doesn't support, as can be done by hand in a text editor. However, to get Inkscape to allow for various unsupported features, or compliant svg that we don't suppor yet, might be more difficult.