On 9/17/07, Ted Gould <ted@...11...> wrote:
We change the dialog to have a combo box labeled "Dialog Mode:" with the following options:
"On Top" "On Top; Live Preview" "Floating"
"On top" and "floating" do not sound like meaningful opposites. More importantly, this must never be something that the user chooses or even has to think of. We must take care of that and not even let the user suspect that there was any problem with that. Providing this choice would be like a builder asking, "Do you want your house with roof on top or on bottom?"
So, if we don't have change lock in 0.46 and the extension dialogs are not yet dockable, we're back to my original suggestion:
Replace close/ok/execute buttons with two buttons: Apply and Close (in that order). Remove "pin" checkbox. When live preview is off, make dialog non-modal and allow to change selection at any time; Apply would then just apply to the current selection but not close. When live preview is on, dialog is modal, but you can preview the effect of parameters on the current selection; and when you click Apply it not only applies the effect but _also_ unsets the Live preview, unlocking the dialog to enable new selections.
At least this must be the first step.